Ayyanki Venkata Ramanaiah, Secretary, Andhra Pradesh Library Association organized
an All India Library Meeting on 12th November, 1912 in Madras. This
meeting lead to the formation of Indian Library Association (ILA). Later, ILA
gave prominence to the 12th November meeting and declared 14th November as
National Library Day. This was also the Birth day of our former Prime
Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Since 1968, 14th-20th November are celebrated as
National Library Week all over India. Shri Iyyanki Venkata Ramanayya is
recognized as the “Architect of Public Library Movement in India”. He is the
first Indian to be awarded the Kaula Gold Medal. Through his career as an
influential library leader throughout the entire country, Ramanayya was seen as
a respected peer and mentor by S. R. Ranganathan.